I have loved this beautiful weather. For the last two days the kids and I have gone outside and played on the playground that Make-a-Wish donated to us. We had wanted to get a playground and probably would have had to wait until next year to get one. But last Thanksgiving we were blessed to get a playground. Joe giggles and giggles and Sophie begs for the wee. I plan to plant grass under it this summer. Then the kids can play and I can garden.
While I am thinking about it. I wanted to say this. I try to find good in all people. Somewhere in every person is good, we are all children of a very loving Heavenly Father and so therefore, there is good in all. We are here on this Earth after all. Last night President Obama (whom I have heard a lot of negative and not as much positive) was on Jay Leno, I enjoyed listening to him. I think he has a lot to offer. I found his personality on the show to be delightful. I am going to try to find it on youtube so I can hear it when I am not so tired. Then on the news tonight it was saying how Michelle Obama is going to plant a garden. Eleanor Roosevelt was the last to have a garden at the White house. I love to garden although I have a hard time getting around to it, but I really admire people who get out there and get dirty outside. I guess that is from having parents who always worked so hard outside. I also really admire this in my mother-in-law. She has a beautiful yard and in the summer you will almost always find her outside in the evenings working in the yard.
I really enjoyed the pics and this post! I love you Chel!
The pictures are very cute. You are one of those people who you don't have to look very hard to find good in. You are an amazing person.
Michelle, I've been so impressed by how optimistic, faithful, and humorous you've been over the past couple of years. Thanks for your cute example!
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